I’d Like To Foster. What Do I Do Next?

If you are interested in fostering, please complete and submit a volunteer application. You will need to complete a volunteer orientation and volunteer at the shelter before becoming a
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Will I Become Attached To My Foster Pet?

Yes, of course. But, when your foster pet finds a new family who`s ready to provide a permanent loving home, you will feel more than satisfied to see him
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What If I Want To Travel?

If you are fostering and want to go away for a weekend or take a vacation, the foster cat or dog can be returned to the coordinator`s care while
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What If I Am Having Problems?

Staff members are available for telephone consultations. Being a foster home is extremely rewarding. However, you should keep in mind that many, but not all, rescue animals are housebroken
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Do I Need A Fenced Yard In Order To Foster A Dog?

A fenced yard is preferred, but not necessary. Foster dogs must NEVER be allowed to run free. If your yard is surrounded by a secure fence, the dog may
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